Free Consulting For Non-Profits

I am looking for a way to give more to my community. I’m a business professor, so I thought I’d put my business sense to good use. Rather than earning additional income, getting taxed at 30%, and then giving away what remains, I thought the more efficient plan would be to provide valuable consulting services directly to worthy non-profits, schools, and ministries. I currently consult with leaders of a number of worthy institutions.

Please note: I am a conservative Christian. I’m more than happy to consult for the nonprofit charities for which I’m philosophically aligned. The ACLU, Greenpeace, and ACORN need not apply.

I am the director of Graduate programs in the School of Business at Charleston Southern University. I have taught MBA students for nearly a decade, and I designed the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership. I have cultivated a particular body of knowledge that may be very helpful to you and the difficulties you face in your organization.

Do you need help?

If you need help with people management issues, and you are working in a nonprofit organization, shoot me an email: dgerdes [at] Tell me a bit about the situation and I will get back to you as soon as I have a hole in my schedule.

I specifically work in the areas of organizational leadership and people related problems. If you have a thorny issue with employees who can’t get along or teams that do not perform, I may be able to help.

I teach Leadership, Management, organizational behavior and ethics courses, and I have probably seen or heard of situations similar to those with which you are wrestling. We regularly discuss real organizational issues in class.

Free consulting for Non-Profits

Here’s the proposition:

  1. I will set up a standard consulting contract. I charge $150 per hour. I only do this on the side. I cannot spend a significant amount of time researching but it is likely that I can provide some guidance and help you work out an action plan.
  2. I will create regular billable hours but this is for my own record keeping so that I can keep track of how much service I have provided. I will not send you the invoice. It is simply my way of accounting for how much I have “given” to charity. I cannot use it for any other purpose (e.g. no tax benefit, no financial benefit, etc.).
  3. As a non-profit, your bill has been paid in full. Thank you for working at reduced pay for the greater good.
  4. If you are in Charleston, we can meet in my office if you would like. Otherwise, we can talk on the phone or Skype.

For-Profit Consulting

I will also extend this offer to for-profit businesses because I am looking to raise $10,000 over the course of 2014 for scholarship fund. Here is my value proposition for For-Profits.

  1. I will consult to your business on the same range of issues under the same terms (e.g. $150/hour), except I will send you the invoice. If you are satisfied with my services and you believe that I have added more value than I charged, then pay the bill.
  2. If you are not satisfied, or you believe that my services were of less valuable than what you have received, mark the bill down to what you believe it was worth. You’re under no obligation to pay a dime.
  3. When you pay the bill, every penny will go to a scholarship fund for students at Charleston Southern University who demonstrate an aptitude for leadership. I hope to raise $10,000 for this scholarship this year.

How to Get Free Consulting

So the offer simple, if you are at a nonprofit and you need leadership consulting, contact me and the bill has already been paid. If you are from a for-profit business, and you need leadership consulting, there is no risk. If you’re not satisfied, you have no obligation.

I cannot extend this offer forever but I have made the offer. If you believe I can help,  I look forward to hearing from you.

-Dr. Darin Gerdes

faculty_gerdes_smDr. Darin Gerdes is an associate professor and director of graduate programs in the School of Business at Charleston Southern University. His interdisciplinary background includes undergraduate degrees in government and psychology from Liberty University, a master of business administration, a master of arts in public policy and a PhD in organizational leadership from Regent University. He designed the master of arts in organizational leadership program at Charleston Southern University.